The Manuals!


The password for all the documents on this site is "Pentax"

Please note that you need Acrobat Reader version 5 or later to read the manuals

The important part   ----   Where to get the manuals for M42 screw fit cameras
The important part   ----   Where to get the manuals for manual focus cameras
The important part   ----   Where to get the manuals for auto focus cameras

Where to get the manuals for some of the medium format cameras.
Where to get the manuals for 35mm compact cameras and the 110 Range
Where to get the manuals for Flashes and other accessories for Bayonet
Pentax Service Manuals
Manuals for Fujica SLRs
Manuals for some rangefinder cameras from Olympus, Canon and Konica 
Back to the home page

If you would like any Pentax manuals in French, try this site Accueil KRG


I have spent many hours producing these manuals as a service to other Pentax users. Please feel free to download them, use them and even print them. Please do not download them to produce CDs for sale on eBay or use them for any other commercial gain. If you hear of someone doing so I would be grateful if you would let me know so I can ask them to stop. In an effort to prevent this, the manuals are password protected. 


I have produced all of the documents for reference and historical purposes only.

None of the documents should be used for any financial gain.


 If you have any manuals that you can scan for me to use, I would love to hear from you!


Copyright © Kim Coxon